RS Focus Consulting
RS Focus Consulting helps you bring maximum clarity to your purpose, passion, and strategy; empowering you to live and lead to your fullest.

Welcome! I am so glad you are here! RS Focus Consulting would love to help you with your next steps. My goal with RSFC is to help you see your potential and create a plan for getting there. That may look like coaching, staff development, board retreats, etc. Have a look around and then let me know how I can help you get where you want to go! (and it's ok if you don't know where that is, you just know it's not where you are right now. We will figure it out together!)

"After attending Robin's "I Am His" retreat, I felt refreshed. Understanding who I am through Christ empowered me to take authority in all my callings - at work, as a wife, mother, friend, as a Christian. It was an amazing experience!"
Sandy Goldfarb
Community Engagement Coordinator | Refuge for Women

"Robin is a brilliant strategic thinker, leader, and coach. Her high capacity is matched only by her jubilant spirit, resulting in the unique blend of a loving whirlwind supplying endless efficiency and grace. You will not be disappointed by any time spent with her!"
Rev. Dr. David McDonald
Founder, Fossores Chapter House

Robin is a natural leader and influences those around her with a high level of integrity and heart! She is confident and full of wisdom while helping others grow to their full potential and become better versions of themselves.
Shannon Carducci
Freelance Writer

I have had the pleasure of knowing Robin for over five years. As a board member for Refuge for Women, I have worked closely with Robin during her tenure as the Las Vegas Executive Director for Refuge for Women. She is a world class leader and a tremendous public speaker. She is a team builder and knows how to speak truth into others while bringing out their strengths. She is a teacher at heart and loves to share her insights and wisdom when asked. She has personally transformed so many lives and I know she will continue to positively impact you and your organization if you give her the opportunity.
Robert Motis
vice President | Erosion control applications
treasurer | Refuge for women

"Robin is a passionate and seasoned communicator that is able to inspire, motivate, and challenge her audiences. Whether it be in a one-on-one setting, a small group, or a full auditorium, Robin has an uncanny ability to connect with her audience through the use of story-telling and personal faith experiences."
David Diers
Vice-President Technology | Cox Communications

Robin is an extraordinary teacher/trainer. If you are looking for the "sage on the stage" for some passive training, then she's not for you. She is dynamic, engaging and can make you laugh and cry in one session.
Kim Hayworth
Vice Chancelor for Student Access and Success | Montana State University Billings

“Robin Smith is easily one of the most talented leaders I’ve ever known. She has a gift in bringing people together for one shared vision and inspires others to contribute their best work to achieve it. I was Robin’s direct report for three years, and in that time she helped me clarify my purpose and passion around leadership. Much of who I am and my philosophy of leadership is anchored in my experience with Robin. Often, I find myself going back to old notes, drawing out continual wisdom from those one-on-one conversations. My time with Robin was an invaluable gift, one that continues to shape me and impact the people I serve!”
Jake Westra
20s Ministry Pastor | Harvest Spring Lake & Grand Haven, MI