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gather AT THE WELL
the water is flowing!

Whether you lead yourself, your family, or a team, you want to lead well. As you lead, you may find your bucket getting drained dry, leaving you feeling exhausted, discouraged, and less than. Let's be real, we often feel more like Elijah's vision of the valley of dry bones than God's vision of a victorious warrior! 


When you engage in this cohort you will spend time with like-minded people, be encouraged by the group discussions, and be motivated by your 1-on-1 coaching session. What a great way to fill your bones with life and keep your bucket full!

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At the well, a woman encountered 

Jesus and that infused her with life. Dry bones no more! The Well is where you fill your bucket with practical teaching and meaningful discussion. When you spend time at The Well, your leadership bucket is filled, your dry bones are refreshed, and you leave equipped to Lead Well. Each Lead Well cohort focuses on a different area of leadership.


Lead Well 1 - BUILD- online

Lead Well 2 - GRIT -  online

Lead Well 3 - DREAM - on demand

Lead Well 1- build!

Leading is influence. Focus on the top characteristics needed to build a firm foundation for leadership. Regardless of who you lead - yourself, your family, your team - these principles will set you up for Leading Well.

Topics will include:

- Integrity Matters

- Boundaries is not a Four Letter Word

- Conversations not Conflict

- Empathy vs. Sympathy

- Team Boundaries = FREEDOM

- Prioritizing True Priorities


Dates: Nov 21, Dec 5, 19, Jan 2, 16, 30

Session Time: 4:00 pm-5:00 pm PST

Cost: $249 (includes all 6 sessions, group discussions, and a 1-hour coaching session scheduled at your convenience)


I've found that if I pray for God to move a mountain, I must be prepared to wake up next t

Lead Well 2 - Grit!

You can't lose what you never had.  Leadership is understanding there are situations and circumstances that are outside of your control.

Life happens and still, you must lead! 

Lead Well 2 dives into realistic areas that breed uncertainty and a lack of control. These areas can rock our leadership OR develop our grit!

Together we will explore Biblical examples of leadership in some key "out of our control" areas, have meaningful discussions, and discover real-life applications.

Lead Well 2 equips you to Lead Well as you face uncertainty and out-of-your-control situations.

Topics include:

- Sacred Work

- Generational Gold 1

- Generational Gold 2

- Knowledge vs Wisdom

- Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn

- Making Tough Decisions


Dates: Nov 21, Dec 5, 19, Jan 2, 16, 30

Session Time: 1:00 pm-2:00 pm PST

Cost: $249 (includes all 6 sessions, group discussions, and a 1-hour coaching session scheduled at your convenience)





Lead Well 3 -  dream!

Some people are wired to think strategically, but let's face it, some people are not. Just because you don't naturally think strategically does not mean you are not a good leader. The good news - you have gifts and strengths in other areas. The even greater news - you don't get a pass on planning and strategic thinking, you get to use your resources!

A solid future begins with the plans we make today. Lead Well 3 is next level leadership, designed to help you take your dreams and make them a reality. Learn the ABC's of creating a strategic plan, enabling you to DREAM WELL by grabbing ahold of your dreams and moving from wishing to action!

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Lead Well 4 - 2nd

Every leader is only as good or effective as their 2nd.

Lead Well from the 2nd chair.

It's a calling! It's a gift! It's an honor!

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